Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Hiatus Hopefully Over - Kitchen Renovations Finished!

So if you follow my blog on a fairly-regular basis, you must have noticed that I've been M.I.A. the last week or so. That's because my fiance had this ingenious (NOT) idea to renovate our kitchen before our annual Christmas party on December 18th. We've learned several lessons and I had the wonderful pleasure of watching a grown, 27-year-old man tantrum like a 2-year-old, completing with throwing things, stomping and whining!

Lessons Learned While Renovating:
1. Do NOT start projects during the holiday season.

2. Do NOT make a major event in your home the "deadline" for your home renovation projects.

3. Measure everything. Twice. No, make that three times.

4. Always buy extra when you're at the store - you can always return extras later.

5. Before you install something, make sure it works first!

When we first moved into our house over a year ago, not a single room was painted (wait, I lie - there was a children's room painted a hideous yellow and trimmed in white, but not house-paint white... it appears to be some kind of project paint that we'll have fun trying to remove or cover when we repaint that room). I hate neutral colors, and our entire house, sans that one room, was an off-white color with plain, unpainted pine trim. YUCK!

So we attacked the downstairs bathroom last year, then the upstairs bathroom earlier this year. Then Jon had this fantastic idea to paint the kitchen and get an area rug, which then turned into changing the countertops, which then, due to an accident, led to replacing the sink too.

Here are some before renovation photos:

And here are some DURING and AFTER renovation photos!

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama

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