Monday, January 17, 2011

48 Hour Giveaway - Free 8x8 Photo Book from Shutterfly

I'm excited that I've finally reached 144 friends on Facebook! My happiness leads me to want to make a reader happy, too!

For the next 48 hours (until 9pm on Wednesday, 1/19), enter to win an 8x8 photobook from Shutterfly - a $29.99 value! Shipping & handling is NOT included, sorry!

You may enter ONCE for each of the following situations by either leaving a comment HERE or leaving a comment on this particular Facebook post.

1. You "like" Coupon Mama Massachusetts on Facebook.

2. You "follow" Coupon Mama Massachusetts on blogspot.

3. Write what TRULY makes you happy!

4. Write at least ONE nice thing you did for someone else just because you wanted to.

Good luck! I will use to select a winner on Wednesday night!

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama


  1. Hi there, what makes me happy is being outside in the spring with my husband and planting flowers..what have I done that I thought was nice is make dinner for my parents who are overwhelmed taking care of everyone else.

  2. I "liked" you on Facebook Jake765 at aol dot com Donna Clookey

  3. I "like" you on FB

    pagsellen69 at hotmail dot com

  4. What truly makes me happy is that my husband has a Great job that makes it possible for me to only have to work 2 days a week. This gives me the time to spend quality time with my girls and my mom.

    pagsellen69 at hotmail dot com

  5. I follow you on Coupon Mama Massachusetts Donna Clookey Jake765 at aol dot com

  6. A nice thing I did for someone recently was... the mother of one of my daughters friends hurt herself while at the iceskating rink. I stayed with her until her husband was able to come and pick her up. She was Very appreciative that I stayed with her but there was no way I could have just left her there (she fell on the ice and hit her head).

    pagsellen69 at hotmail dot com

  7. I went to visit my stepfather in a nursing home this past weekend on Saturday. I believe he truly enjoyed the visit. Not a lot of people visit him, so I try to do it as often as possible. When I was leaving all the rest of the people in the dining room all said good bye. You could tell they need people too! Jake765 at aol dot com

  8. What truly makes me happy is making cards doing scrapbooking with family and friends,entering sweepstakes, especially when IU win something big and of course being with my family. Jake765 at aol dot com

  9. I like you on facebook.
    Beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  10. My husband and kids make me happy!
    beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  11. One nice thing I have done was to give our neighbors some gifts that they needed.
    beckeesdeals at gmail dot com

  12. Like you on Facebook.

  13. What truly makes me happy is traveling far away and being alone and relaxing.

  14. What truly makes me happy is when my family is happy.

  15. Once I paid for someone's groceries that did not have enough money.
