Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year = New Financial Resolutions

Happy New Year!

     Welcome 2012! I'm excited to see what this new year brings. We're on our way towards two whole years of frugal adventures together! Have you come up with a New Year's resolution yet?

My financial resolution is to come up with a better system for tracking my purchases and receipts for the house.

     I use my coupons and rebate deals to save hundreds and hundreds, perhaps even thousands of dollars each year, but I'm so terrible at keeping track of what I personally spent so I can reconcile with my joint account with my husband. Yes, that sounds weird - my husband and I have our own separate accounts and credit cards and share only a mortgage account and one joint checking account! I'm not ready yet to combine everything and I may never be ready!

     In any regard, our household/grocery budget for the month is $150 (yes that breaks down to $2.50/day/person!). I tend to lose track of my purchases or my receipts so at the end of the month I never know how much of the $150 I can reimburse myself! In the long run it hurts me because I pay for things that I don't get reimbursed for AND it makes us appear to be "below budget" when we're really not!

     So, my resolution is to get better at keeping track of all of this. I bought a beautiful decorate beach-themed container that I will start dropping my receipts in at the end of each day so later I can go and calculate my totals. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this works for more than a few weeks!

     So what is your financial (or otherwise) resolution for 2012?

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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