Saturday, September 29, 2012

Saturday Successes: Raising the Flag for Pennies!

My husband is a die-hard project lover. He is also overly ambitious. He'll run me into the ground doing project after project after project if I let him. At one point he got sick of my plethora of shoes all over the floor in two of our three closets and decided he was going to build a set of customized shelves. Apparently this will help me better organize my shoe collection. I personally just think it may cause me to buy more shoes since I know they'll all look so beautiful in a nifty shoe shelf, rather than piled on the floor!

Needless to say, another project meant another trip to Lowes. My husband and I frequent both Lowes and Home Depot, however, we do prefer Lowes simply because we can get 5% off our purchase if we charge it to our Lowes credit card. Since most of the time we were planning on buying the item and have the cash in hand, we'll just charge it, then pay it off in full at the end of the month with the money had we had set aside - this way we save that extra 5%!

My mom gave me a coupon for $10 off of $10 purchase that she got for signing up for a My Lowes tracking card. That was even more incentive for us to go shopping!

And look what I found!

The really cute religious flag will be perfect for Easter! And it cost $.22, plus the price went down a few pennies due to the $10 off of $10 coupon! The other two flags cost a whopping $.32 a piece, plus an additional couple penny discount.
Unfortunately the cashier didn't tell us that we couldn't use both the $10 off of $10 coupon plus the 5% discount with the charge card, otherwise we would have broke up our purchase into two transactions. Oh well, lesson learned.
I still saved a boatload of money and got these three adorable flags for under $1 total!
Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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