Sunday, October 28, 2012

Saturday Successes: Day Late & Dollar Short, but Still Did It!

So today's not exactly Saturday, but I'm too excited about my success to wait until next Saturday to post about it!

Now, feel free to comment.... like most of my students, I thrive on positive reinforcement!

So, you may already know I've been, once again, battling with my weight. I feel sorta like a broken record saying it. It seems to be a recurring theme in my life. Nevertheless, I've been really trying, despite my aching arthritic back and my inability to get to my doctor-recommended PT because my health insurance doesn't cover it.

So after an obnoxiously fattening summer where I basically babysat and sat on my ever-enlargening hiney, I decided that with the start of a new school year, I'd start to find a "new me." On September 3rd, I weighed in at a whopping 138.4 lbs. That might not seem like a lot, but I've got a tiny 4'11 frame. I'm a bitty person, so my weight so be somewhat comparable.

So I got on the scale this morning, less than 2 months later, and I'm down to 129.8! WOOHOO!!

And I've done it all by dieting and making better eating choices. I haven't really been exercising beyond running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but I do that on the daily anyway.

Now I'm not a distributor of Herbalife, but I'm definitely someone who can say it seems to be working! I've been switching out 2 meals a day with an Herbalife shake. You're supposed to use soy milk with it, but I've been using skim cow's milk because I'm too cheap frugal to buy the expensive soy stuff. But even with my skim milk, the shakes still seem to be helping me to lose weight.

So I usually switch out breakfast and lunch with a shake. And then I can have 2 snacks a day - typically a cheese stick and an apple. I eat a normal supper with my husband. By normal, I mean whatever he'll eat, so definitely not diet food!

I've been using the pina colada shake mix and the cookies n' cream shake mix. The pina colada tasted wicked raunchy at first, but I've gotten used to it. I don't mix in any fruits or other stuff into it, I just blend it with my milk and call it a day. The cookes n' cream tastes way better, but if it takes you too long to drink it, it coagulates in the cup and gets wicked thick and gross.

So F for taste,  but A for functionality!

If you're intersted in trying Herbalife, I can send you an invite from the distributor I use. She doesn't charge tax, her rates are the cheapest I've found anywhere. I pay around $26 for a cannister of shake mix, whereas most of the other places charge over $30. And if you spend at least $35 you can get free shipping.

If you want an invite, and you sign up through the invite, you'll actually get a coupon for $5 off your purchase.

Want a link? Either comment with your email address or shoot me a message a

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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