I wish I had taken a picture of my haul, but I had to put it all away before my husband saw the ton of stuff I bought. It wasn't an amazingly wonderful, coupon-filled haul, but I got some great deals, some of which made my jaw drop!
40-lb box of scoopable cat litter ($8.99 ea) - Unfortunately I can only use scoopable because my cats are dirty, stinky, nasty little creatures... I'm pretty sure something crawls up and dies in their bums on a daily basis.
Perdue roaster chicken ($.69/lb)
85%/15% Beef hamburger patties ($1.60/lb -reduced because sell by date 8/25)
Perdue ground turkey ($1.25/lb -reduced because sell by date 8/25)
Wunderbar deli balogna ($.99/lb)
Hellmanns 64 oz mayonnaise ($6.89 - $2 instant savings - $1.50 BJs coupon - $1 manufacturers Q = $2.39)
3 Liters Olive Oil ($13.99 - $4 instant savings = $9.99)
Perdue ground chicken (3 lb pkg) ($3.79 -reduced because sell by date 8/25)
Domino Sugar (10 lb bag) ($4.99 - $2 instant savings = $2.99)
Hunts 2 Pack Ketchup (44.5 oz bottles each) ($4.29 - $1.50 instant savings = $2.79)
Dietz & Watson Roast Beef (5.99/lb - $1 instant savings)
I was particularly excited about 10 lbs of sugar for $3, 3 liters of olive oil for $10 and roast beef for only $5/lb!!
Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts
I love Bj's (don't let my husband here me say that- getting my mind out of the gutter now!)
ReplyDeleteThe sugar was an awesome deal! The one I used to shop at never marked meat down which kind of scared me because I always wondered if they just put new dates on the meat...