With 3 furry kitties in the house, I'm always looking for deals on kitty litter. They sure do go through a lot!
Get Purina TidyCat kitty litter (35 lb pails) for a little more than $5 each shipped to your door!
Add 3
Purina TidyCat 35-lb pails of kitty litter to your cart (you can mix and match if you'd like)
Select "Subscription" for all 3 of your items. (One subscription item will save you 15%; 2 subscription items will save you 30%). Subscriptions get shipped to your door for free! But don't forget to cancel your subscriptions once you receive your first shipment.
You will pay $25.17 out of pocket and you will receive a $10 Target gift card for buying 3 participating products. This means you'll end up paying a net of $5.06 per 35-lb pail of kitty litter!
I was only able to cash in on this deal thanks to
For The Mommas!
Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts
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