Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Adopt, Don't Shop! Caturday Special: Mike - Has Been Adopted!!

I started volunteering at the Seekonk Animal Shelter back in December. I've always wanted to save the kitties - one kitty at a time. But since my husband put the kay-bash on my kitty-saving efforts after two kitties, I must devise a different plan for saving them!

This is a new series I plan on continuing as long as there are cats available for adoption at the Seekonk Shelter. Although called Caturday, it will also include dogs available for adoption too.

Owning a pet is an expensive endeavor. They're like children - you need to feed them, toilet them, take them to the doctor's, buy them toys.... it all adds up. So why on earth would someone want to dole out more money by buying a pet when you can get great pets through adoption!?

This is an awesome article about the benefits of adopting adult cats and is totally worth 5 minutes of your time.

And this week's Caturday is dedicated to Mike.

UPDATE: Mike has been adopted as of 3/19/15!!! Yay!!

Mike is my manly, regal-looking buddy. He is a 4-year old domestic short haired black kitty. He was found as a stray chillaxing with a feral colony. However, it's believed he was abandoned because he is super friendly. He is a typical lap-cat who loves to be pet. He is neutered, up-to-date on vaccinations and has been microchipped.

His easy-going personality allows him to get along with other cats well. He's very laid back. And did I mention he's such a manly, rugged fellow? I just love him to pieces!

He does have colitis, so he'll need to be kept on a low-residue diet, but it can be purchased from any pet store.

A wonderful fellow volunteer at the shelter has sponsored Mike, so his entire adoption fee has been paid for. How can you possibly say no to this handsome dude?!

If you're interested in adopting Mike, or any other animal from the Seekonk Animal Shelter, here is the application for adoption.

Don't shop, Adopt!

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Friday, January 16, 2015

DIY Friday - Valentine's Day Idea

Valentine's Day is a month away! Can you believe it? I want to revisit a really great Valentine's Day gift idea I made last year for my husband - 52 Reasons I Love You.

It's super inexpensive and fun! And if your significant other is sentimental, this will tug at his or her heartstrings.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

What Does Your Stockpile Look Like?

Here's a peek at my stockpile. It's not neat or tidy. And sometimes I have to spend a few extra minutes searching for what I know I have but have trouble finding.

What does your stockpile look like?

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Great Article on the Selfless Act of Hair Donations

If you've been growing your locks out for some time but are getting sick of the length, considering donating your tresses. I've donated five times, each time to Locks of Love.

But here's an amazing article from Vocal Point that outlines the requirements for hair donations to a variety of organizations.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Monday, January 12, 2015

Registration for BlackLight Run or FoamGlow 5k in Brockton Only $20! Hurry!

Did you come up with any New Year's resolutions? Did they include getting healthy or a running goal?

Standard registration for the BlackLight Run (8/29/15 in Brockton, MA) is only $20 until 1/14! After that, it jumps up to $60!!

Standard registration includes:

  • BlackLight Run T-shirt
  • Glow in the dark tattoo
  • Race bib
  • Donation to a local charity
  • Glow Pack (given at the finish line)
  • Admission to the BlackLight Run After Party!

Maybe you're looking for a fun-filled race that is sooner? Or perhaps black lights aren't your thing. Would you rather roll in foam? Standard registration for the FoamGlow (4/25/15 in Brockton, MA) is also only $20 until 1/14. After that, it also jumps up to $60!

My friend, Ginger, my mom and I "ran" the FoamGlow 5k last year. It was in October and VERY cold but tons of fun. My mother, who is a spring chicken at 60, had a blast!

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Friday, January 2, 2015

Saturday Successes & Ozeri Digital Pedometer Review

A few months ago, I posted about my weight loss journey. My journey continues, but I'm excited to say that I'm ringing in the new year 22 pounds lighter than in 2014! I've still got a ways to go which is why I was ecstatic to have the opportunity to review the Ozeri 4x3 Motion Digital Pedometer.

Here are my general likes and dislikes about the product:

  • This pedometer is equipped with sleep mode to save battery life. If it doesn't detect movement for 30 seconds or longer, it goes "to sleep." Also great is it comes with its own battery upon purchase along with a tiny screwdriver that you can use when you do have to replace the battery. 
  • You can wear this pedometer around your neck, carry it in a pocket or put it in a bag or purse. I've tried all 3 methods and I've had similar results regardless of how I carry the pedometer.
  • It tracks 7 days worth of data so you can compare your "couch potato" days to your more energetic, athletic days.
  • Comes with a 1 year warranty against manufacturer defects.
  • It keeps track of the date and time so it doubles as a watch!

  • The buttons (Set, Mode, Up and Down) protrude from the shell and are subject to being accidentally pressed, which can reset the pedometer and lose all of your stored data.
  • Unless you are diligent about accurately measuring your typical stride, the pedometer will not accurately measure your steps, calories burned and mileage. 
  • Initial set up is the mental equivalent of planning a NASA rocket launch, despite very detailed instructions that included screen shots.

The Ozeri pedometer is really small and thin so it can fit easily in almost any size pocket. It also comes with a lanyard that you can use to wear it around your neck. Upon opening the box, this pedometer is ready to go since a lithium ion battery is included (what a plus!).

However, despite having fairly detailed instructions outlining how to set up your pedometer, I feel like you need a degree in nuclear physics to set it up on the first try. Whatever you do, do not lose the instructions in case you reset your pedometer like I did! If you decide you DO want to reset your data, there is a recessed button "RESET" available for this purpose.

One really great feature is that you can set up the pedometer to measure in American units (lb, in, etc.) or metric units (kg, cm, etc.). This makes it easy to use no matter what country you're from. While hula hooping (yes, I hula hoop with a weighted hula hoop for exercise!), I accidentally changed units from American to metric by pressing the MODE button for too long. This also caused me to lose all of my stored data. I was a few days into using the pedometer at this point and was near tears at my loss.

All in all, I really do enjoy using this pedometer. I haven't yet checked the accuracy of the mileage tracker but I like that I can use the step tracker to compare what I've done from one day to the next.

It's fairly inexpensive compared to the more high-tech options like the Jawbone and the Fitbit. If you simply want to track your steps per day, I'd say the Ozeri pedometer is worth the nominal investment.

Disclaimer: The good folks at Ozeri provided me with a free pedometer to facilitate my review. All opinions expressed herein are 100% my own.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Sunday, November 2, 2014

My Weight Loss Journey - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Have you fallen victim to those high-cost fad diets? You know what I'm talking about - the diet pills, the shakes, the flavor shots and teas before each meal? They cost an arm and a leg, and although they typically work in the short term, it's tough to stop using them because you fall back into old habits and pack on the pounds quicker than you lost them.

I know this because I've done it too. I lost 11 pounds using Herbalife back in 2011, right before my wedding. And as soon as I weaned myself off the twice a day shakes, then off the once a day shakes (seriously, who has money to pay for shake mix for the rest of their lives?), I gained all the weight back and then some.

And when my tiny, 4'11" frame teetered towards the 150 lb mark this year, I realized that I had simply let myself go. My self-esteem had gone in the crapper and my image reflected that. I trudged to work wearing whatever I could find that would fit over, or under, my muffin top that morning regardless of how sloppy and unkempt I looked. And many weekends, I'd stay in my elastic-waisted pajamas for as long as I possibly could.

I knew that diet pills, bars and shakes weren't going to be a permanent solution and my doctor cleared me of any and all medical reasons I could use as excuses to justify my hefty size. So I finally listened to my husband and sought the professional help of a nutritionist.

(If you don't think a nutritionist is for you, that's cool! Skip to the end where I impart some free and near-free tips for weight loss that I've picked up along the way).

Nutritionists are EXPENSIVE! At the time I didn't think my insurance would cover visits, so I paid out of pocket. My first visit was $85 for a 45 minute to an hour long session to discuss my habits - eating, exercising, vices, etc. Follow up visits were $150 for a package of 5 30-minute sessions where we discussed the previous weeks successes (or lack of) and concocted plans for upcoming weeks.

Downsides of Professional Nutritionists:
-If you ignore advice, the visits are useless
-If you are not committed, the visits are useless

Advantages of Professional Nutritionists:
-You can limit the expenses; stretch your visits out as far as you'd like to minimize costs
-In my opinion, the expert advice and information is well worth the cost
-It holds you accountable; nothing is worse than feeling like you let someone down
-Visits MIGHT be covered by your insurance! A good nutrition center will verify with your insurance company

I've been visiting my nutritionist since May. It was slow going in the beginning and I had a HUGE set back when my 17-year old kitty passed away in July. But since July I've officially lost over 15 lbs!

I weighed over 146 lbs at my first weigh-in in May.
I weighed 130.8 lbs at my most recent weigh-in last week.
I weighed 128.8 lbs the other day on my own scale wearing my birthday suit.

Inexpensive Tips for Weight Loss
1. Keeping a food and exercise log has helped me realize how much (or how little) I was putting in my body. Believe it or not, eating too little is just as bad as eating too much. I started with a paper-based food diary but I would leave it at home or forget to log each night. So my nutritionist suggested MyFitnessPal app for my Smartphone. This is a FREE app that can be customized to your height, weight, exercise level and overall weight-loss goal.

2. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Something is better than nothing. I bought the cheapest recumbent bike I could find from and I watch TV at night while logging miles. In good weather, I also go for walks and runs with my husband or by myself. I have a horrible habit of wandering grocery store aisles for hours to avoid housework, so I log a lot of miles doing that too!
The FREE app MapMyRun for the Smartphone can keep track of your activity. I run with my cell phone in my hand and set up the tracker on MapMyRun to log my miles and calories burned. If you also use MyFitnessPal, the MapMyRun app will automatically transfer activity logged into the MyFitnessPal app and deduct the calories burned from the calories used for the day.

3. Find someone to hold you accountable. Sadly, I discovered that my husband cannot be trusted to hold me accountable. He is a natural skinny-minnie and is easily demotivated so if we make plans ahead of time to run after work, he frequently changes his mind which gives me an "out" for my day's physical activity. HOWEVER... Social media has become a quick source for accountability. There are many Facebook pages for people looking to lose weight together. And I've received so much support from my Instagram followers. It's so awesome to post a quick photo of my weekly weigh in and get a ton of positive comments from complete strangers. It helps maintain my motivation and it boosts my self-esteem.

4. Give yourself a tangible goal. I signed myself up for a few running races. I paid money to register, so it made me less likely to give up. Some races have really high fees, while others are only $10-20. By registering yourself for an event and paying out the cash for it upfront, you can trick yourself into having no choice but to work hard to be successful in that particular event. I ended up finding that I enjoyed running and continued running even after my event was over. I started running 12-minute miles. I can now sustain 9 minute miles!

5. Find what works for you! Avoidance of temptations is the only thing that works for me. If there are cupcakes in the lunchroom at the office, I'll avoid that room all day. I pack a lunch every day for work to avoid ordering out. My husband and I avoid restaurants that have nothing on the menu I can modify and eat -- bye bye Hooters!

My weight loss journey in photos. I've still got another 15 or so pounds to go, but I'm well on my way!

Disclaimer: Before starting any exercise or diet routine, I strongly encourage you to discuss it with your physician.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Sunday, October 26, 2014

Squeeze A Boob, Save a Life - Why I Feel My Tatas on the Regular

I'm 28 years old. And like most twenty-somethings, I had this nonsensical idea that I was medically invincible. That I was too young to ever fall victim to any of  those crazy ailments and diseases that have earned themselves Facebook campaigns, or above the fold articles on the front page of a newspaper or even an entire month dedicated to its awareness.

Don't get me wrong, I don't avoid medical interventions. In fact, like I was supposed to, I went through the motions: I paid my copays and saw my doctors regularly. I begrudging peed into that teeny, tiny little cup. I mean, c'mon -- how the heck does anyone manage to aim perfectly into that thing?! I unwillingly had my blood drawn what feels like a million times each year. I got my goods groped, fondled, poked and prodded on the regular. Just like I was supposed to. But through all of these rote, mundane appointments, it never crossed my mind that my doctors would find anything.

And they didn't.

But my husband did. A little more than a year ago, at the peak of my 20-something invincibility, my husband jokingly grabbed me one day and then did a double take. With a concerned look, he stuttered, "come here for a minute, let me see something, Cynthia." What should have been a sexy interaction between a married couple quickly turned into a nightmarish prodding and googling session.

Ya, don't ever google your symptoms. Ever. Just trust me.

My husband had found a lump in my left breast. And not a small one that we could pretend like we were simply overreacting over. A seemingly huge, unmistakable mass in my breast. And I'm sure it didn't pop up overnight. But until that point, I was the medical Superwoman of the millennium.

To make a long story short, after several agonizing days, a trip to my gynecologist and a trip for an ultrasound, from which I didn't excitedly leave with a "It's a Boy" or "It's a Girl" photo, I learned that I was cancer free.

But I did learn a few things. I learned that I had two fairly large cysts, one 2.5mm and another over 3mm sitting side by side - no wonder one boob had been so much bigger looking than the other! I learned that doctors don't catch everything at the once or twice a year appointments you make with them. Most importantly, I learned how critical it is to pay attention to your own body - be your own advocate.

Since that incident, my girls and I have become best of friends. Every time I shower, I check for changes in my cysts and any new growths. Just last month, I discovered a new lump in my other breast. Which, despite my history with cysts, caused me to freak out. Luckily, this new lump turned out to be another cyst. And it has lots of tiny friends, too. These cysts are completely benign and are not known to turn into anything aggressive.

I can't stress to you the importance of knowing your body. And realizing you are NOT invincible. Make sure you perform a breast self-exam at least monthly. And make sure you speak up if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Don't wait to "see if it goes away." Get it checked.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. I'm fortunate enough to have no family history of breast cancer. But my husband's grandmother was a breast cancer survivor and I have friends and colleagues who have family members who have been affected by breast cancer. Help spread the word and bring awareness to early detection. When breast cancer is detected early, the 5-year survival rate is 98%!

Make sure you squeeze a boob - it could save a life.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Saturday, July 19, 2014

Let's Ask America Game Show is Looking for Couponer Contestants!

Have you ever wanted to be on a game show? Would you like to win some money without ever having to leave your couch? Well this is your chance at making your dreams come true! Let's Ask America is a game show that's currently casting NATIONWIDE and they want to meet you!

LET'S ASK AMERICA. It's simple; if you think you can predict what America is thinking, you can not only watch, you can play and have a chance to win cold hard cash from the comfort of your own home via web-chat!!!

How does the show work? Every day four contestants will be chosen to play the game and win cash via web-chat from their home. They poll America to find out what they are thinking. (e.g. Which cast of THE REAL HOUSEWIVES did a group of women in Cincinnati say they disliked the most? a) New York, b) New Jersey, c) Atlanta, d) Beverly Hills)
Then all the contestant has to do is correctly predict the answer. 

If you want to become a contestant all you have to do is go to and apply today and after you do email Ned at and he can walk you through the next steps!

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Friday, February 7, 2014

DIY Friday: 52 Reasons I Love You (A Valentine's Day Gift)

This is totally my version of the Pinterest idea - there are a million examples if you type in "52 Reasons I Love You" on Pinterest. My "daughters" made their daddy a cute little mug with their furry pictures on it and it shipped out 2 days ago from Shutterfly. This is mommy's Valentine's Day gift to daddy.

You need:
a deck of cards
a printer with printer paper
single hole punch
2 binder rings (I still need to grab these from work, but I've been home sick all week)
Optional: stickers or other decorative touches

First I came up with 52 reasons why I love my husband. In word, I created a table that was 4 across and 4 down that filled up the page. I used size 25 font for most of it and made the font smaller if needed. You can be as creative as you'd like with this part. Make it a crazy color, or mulit-colored; use different types of font, whatever your heart desires.

Next, I created a template for hole punching by tracing one card on regular paper, cutting it out and hole punching the template. I used this template to hole punch all the cards, 2 at a time.

I carefully cut out my 52 reasons and glued them to the cards. Be careful, regular printer ink will run. If I had the energy and were allowed to leave my house, I might have considered getting it printed at Staples in hopes the ink wouldn't run. Or even laminating the "reasons" before gluing. 

Once it's all dry, you can add stickers or other embellishments, then clip them into binder rings.

Yes, I used my coupon inserts to keep glue from getting on my desk, so what?

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Hoarder: Buried Alive? What to do with all those Samples & Freebies

Do you love getting mail just as much as I do? I love it so much that no one else in my house is allowed to get the mail. A rush of adrenaline surges through me as I open the box and peek inside. My husband is not nearly as excited about mail as me, especially after a few days in a row of receiving an abundance of samples and freebies. In fact, I can almost see the steam coming out of his ears as he yells at me to find a place for all of my free goodies.

Sometimes I get so many I feel like I'm being buried alive beneath them all. But I've found ways to put those samples and freebies to good use - even the ones I have no intention of ever using.

Photo Source

I order every freebie or sample that is available, even if I know I won't use it personally. I don't have a dog at my house, but my mom does, so I order dog-related freebies. My family already has over 30 containers of deodorant, but I order the free samples anyway because I know local shelters and food pantries will happily take my extras off my hands.

Here are a few MA places where you can donate your freebies and samples. Not a fan of what's on the list or none local enough to you? Use any search engine to search for a local place near you.


The Greater Boston Food Bank
NEEDS: non perishable food goods

St. Francis House
A homeless shelter
NEEDS: clothing, toiletries, non perishable food goods

Rosie's Place
A homeless shelter and service provider for women
NEEDS: clothing, toiletries, non perishable food goods, twin sheets and blankets, towels, and more

Annelle Delorme-Hagerman Food Pantry
A food pantry run out of Church of Our Savior; also has a soup kitchen distribution several times a month
NEEDS: non perishable food goods, paper and plastic bags, toiletries

Animal Rescue League of Boston
NEEDS: towels, sheets, cat beds, Clorox bleach, laundry detergent, cat treats, rawhides, and more

If you are aware of another charitable organization that would happily accept donations of freebies and other samples, please feel free to comment below and I will add them to the list. Obviously this is not a comprehensive list of organizations in the state of Massachusetts.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Left Breathless... Literally

I've been terribly sick since last Thursday, but my stubbornness hampered me from seeking medical attention. This morning when my temperature neared 101, I finally mustered the courage to ask my husband to take me to the walk-in.

After a 3-hour visit, chest xrays, a pulmonary function test and some bloodwork, I was able to leave with a diagnosis of pneumonia, a load of prescriptions, and a warning not to return to work for a week. Not only have I physically been breathless from being so sick, but I literally sucked in air in shock and awe when the doctor said five days of no work... FIVE DAYS?! What the heck am I supposed to do for FIVE FREAKIN' DAYS!!!??

I don't watch much television and the Internet is only entertaining for so long. And my eyes can only handle so many hours of reading a day. Blah!

So today I started off my long stretch of doing nothing by trolling Youtube. And a video I found - a parody of Lorde's Royals - is absolutely spot on and HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!

I graduated high school in 2004 and my 10 year reunion is coming up in November, so this made the video even more relatable. Without further ado, I present to you Borde's "Royals."

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Menu Plan Monday 1/12 - 1/18

Sorry this week's Menu Plan is a day late. I do have it planned out on a dry erase board on my refrigerator but blogging about it slipped my mind.

Sunday - Family Dinner at my in laws' house. We made nachos to bring over.

Monday - Naan pizzas. My husband made shaved steak pizza on naan bread with onions and black olives. My sister and I had fig jam, baby spinach, goat cheese and balsamic reduction on our naan pizzas.

Tuesday - Parmesan baked pollock, spinach salad and roasted sweet potatoes

Wednesday - Dinner out at The Cheeseplate to use a Livingsocial deal that will expire this week.

Thursday - Shrimp tacos

Friday - Baked chicken, couscous and spinach salad

Saturday - Dinner out

Want to start menu planning to help save time, money and stress at supper time? Use my menu plan template.

Happy Couponing!
-Coupon Mama Massachusetts

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